Tuberous Breast Correction NYC

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A woman's breast with a circle on it.

Tuberous, or “constricted” breasts can have a significant psychosocial impact and effect an individual’s confidence and sense of identity. This is a complex anatomical problem that we are expert in addressing.

While saline or silicone breast implants are part of tubeous breast correction,  they generally aren’t enough to improve the shape of a tubular breas on thier ownt.

For those seeking expert guidance and solutions, Dr. Darren M. Smith, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon based in New York City, offers specialized services in tuberous breast reconstruction. He’s well-versed in addressing breast asymmetries and related issues, providing effective solutions to improve the breast’s appearance.

What is Tuberous Breast Deformity?

Tuberous breast deformity (TBD) occurs when the breasts don’t develop typically during puberty. This leads to a distinctive tube-like shape, making the breasts appear smaller and underdeveloped. Breast tissue that is cylindrical instead of rounded. The tissue is usually the same shape from the base of the breast to the end. There is ultimately a constriction of tissue at the base of the breast.

Tubular breasts can present as  asymmetric and can have a dense fibrous ring around the areola (enlarged and protuberant nipples), hernia bulging of the areola, narrow-based breasts, wide cleavage, or ill-defined lower breast poles.

Characteristics of Tuberous Breasts

  • Breasts that appear smaller than usual.
  • A constricted or narrow base of the breast.
  • A noticeable elongation in breast shape.
  • Prominent or larger nipples.
  • Wider areolas.
  • A somewhat droopy look to the breasts.
  • A difference in size or shape between the two breasts.

How Common Is It?

While the exact figures aren’t definite, it’s estimated that tuberous breast deformity impacts about 1-5% of women.

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What Causes Tuberous Breast Deformity?

The root cause of TBD remains uncertain. However, a blend of genetic factors and environmental influences is believed to be involved.

Some patients with this condition have relatives with tubular breast deformity, hinting at a genetic link. Potential factors contributing to TBD might be hormonal imbalances, certain medical conditions, and nutritional deficiencies.

Having tuberous breasts isn’t harmful or a health risk. Yet, some might opt for surgical procedures for cosmetic reasons. Consultwith Dr. Smith about any concerns related to your breast appearance.

Step-by-Step Guide to Tuberous Breast Surgery

Tuberous breast surgery is a procedure tailored to address the unique appearance of tuberous breasts. The surgery takes anywhere from 1.5 to 3 hours to complete, depending on the extent and complexity of your case.

Initial Consultation: Your Starting Point

Before any surgical procedure, it’s imperative to have a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Smith. During this meeting:

  • Discuss your concerns and desired outcomes.
  • Review your medical history to ensure you’re a good candidate for the surgery.
  • Get educated about the procedure, potential risks, and recovery expectations.
  • Have any queries addressed to ensure you’re confident and informed.

Anesthesia Administration

Once the surgery datearrives, theprocedure begins with the administration of general anesthesia. This ensures you’re entirely comfortable and unaware during the procedure, making your experience smooth and pain-free.

Deciding the Incision Spot

Dr. Smith prioritizes skin aesthetics, patient comfort, and pain management. Thus, he typically opts for a periareolar incision – that’s an incision made around the areola. This approach not only provides optimal access but also ensures minimal visibility of scars post-surgery. The scar is places at the border of the pigmented areola and becomes very difficult to see over time.

Customizing the Corrections

Every individual is unique, and so is their breast structure. Depending on your specific requirements, Dr. Smith might:

  • Adjust the breast crease’s position to a more natural location.
  • Extend the distance between the breast crease and the nipple.
  • Revise and reshape disproportionately large areolas.
  • Release any tight fibrous bands present in the breast’s lower region.

Additional Procedures

For those looking for added fullness, Dr. Smith will insert a saline or silicone breast implant.

Depending on the case’s complexity, there might be a need for a breast lift or reduction to ensure optimal results.

Recovery Phase

Once the surgery concludes, you will be escorted to a recovery suite. Here, our dedicated medical team keeps a close watch, ensuring everything post-op is on track. You will typically spend 1.5-2 hours in the recovery room and the will be able to leave the facility with an escort. Any patient undergoing anesthesia must have a responsible adult that they know escort them home.

Before you know it, you’ll be ready for the next steps at home. To aid in healing, you will receive a specially designed surgical bra that you will wear for up to 6 weeks. Your follow ups will be at the 1 week mark, 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 1 year.

Identifying the Right Candidate for Tuberous Breast Surgery

Feeling self-conscious about the natural silhouette of your tuberous breasts is natural ( it is not natural to be self conscious) does affect certain patients, and reconstructive breast surgery is a succesful avenue to achieve your goals.  Like any medical procedure, it’s crucial that candidates are in the best state of health to ensure the highest chances of a successful outcome.

Your journey to potentially rectifying mild tuberous breast concerns begins with a dedicated consultation at our NYC clinic. Here, Dr. Smith will evaluate:

  • The extent of the tuberous formation.
  • The quality of your skin.
  • Your overall medical history

These factors are paramount in deciding the most appropriate surgical approach.

Signs You Might Be an Ideal Candidate

If you notice any of the following characteristics or symptoms and are bothered by them, you might be a prime candidate for tuberous breast surgery with Dr. Smith:

  • A noticeable lack of volume in the lower breast region.
  • A breast contour that’s more elongated than typical.
  • Breasts that seem spaced wider than usual.
  • A restricted or narrow breast base.
  • An unusually high inframammary fold.
  • Large or overly protruding areolas.
  • Distribution of breast tissue that seems irregular or misaligned.
  • An enduring flat appearance because of minimal breast tissue.

Recognizing that every individual’s needs and anatomical features are distinct, Dr. Smith will curate a surgical plan tailored just for you, ensuring the best possible aesthetic outcome.

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Unlock your true beauty potential with our transformative procedures. Schedule your consultation today. Schedule Consultation Now

Your Post-Op Journey: Tuberous Breast Surgery Recovery

Initial Aftercare

Upon concluding your procedure, you’ll notice tape dressings on the surgical sites. Dr. Smith emphasizes the importance of meticulously following the aftercare guidance he’ll provide. Additionally, to ensure your comfort, a prescription will be provided to manage any potential post operative discomfort.

The First 48 Hours

During this critical phase, you may encounter:

  • Mild discomfort, particularly when attempting to raise your arms or engage in tasks like changing clothes. It’s advisable to seek assistance for such activities.
  • Usual symptoms like swelling and some bruising. Fret not, these typically begin to diminish within a week or two.

Because of the sensitivities during this period, we advocate having a trusted individual by your side for at least the first 24 hours post-surgery.

Resuming Daily Activities

Two to three day’s  rest is typically all it takes for most patients to feel ready to reintegrate into their daily routines, be it work or academic commitments. But a quick reminder:

  • Engaging in vigorous physical activities should be put on hold for roughly two weeks.
  • Eager to hit the gym or indulge in intense workouts? Please wait until you receive approval from Dr. Smith. Your safety and optimal healing are paramount.

Complete Healing Timeline for Tuberous Breast Deformity Surgery

Recovery PhaseDescription
Immediate Post-Surgery (First Few Days)Advised to rest and limit physical activity. Pain medication is prescribed for discomfort. Expect swelling, bruising, and lumpiness.
1-2 Weeks Post-SurgeryGradual resumption of daily activities, avoiding heavy lifting and strenuous activities. Swelling and bruising start to reduce. Follow-up appointments with Dr. Smith
3-6 Weeks Post-SurgeryMajority of swelling subsides. Breasts start to settle into new shape. Return to work and normal activities, avoiding high-impact exercises.
2-3 Months Post-SurgerySubstantial healing observed. Breasts fully settle into their new shape. Resume all normal activities, including high-impact exercises, unless directed otherwise.
6 Months and BeyondSurgical scars fade significantly. Breasts look and feel natural. Regular follow-ups with Dr. Smith may continue.

Trusting Dr. Darren M. Smith with Your Tuberous Breast Surgery in NYC

When it comes to tuberous breast reconstruction, Dr. Smith’s experience stands out in New York. With specialization in both aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, he ensures that every tuberous breast surgery is tailored to the individual.

Located in the iconic Ritz Tower, Dr. Smith’s practice draws patients from across the globe, all seeking his renowned natural-looking results.

As a member of multiple esteemed medical societies and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, his dedication to excellence is evident. Interested in discussing your needs with Dr. Smith? Give us a call at +1 (212) 633-0627 or conveniently book your appointment online.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tuberous Breast Correction

What kind of plastic surgery procedures can correct tuberous breasts?

Dr. Smith offers a range of options, including mastopexy (breast lift) and breast augmentation, to effectively treat tuberous breasts. The choice of procedure depends on the anatomy and tissue characteristics of your breasts.

How does asymmetry in tuberous breasts affect the surgical approach?

Asymmetry is a common feature in tuberous breasts. Dr. Smith assesses the gland structure, connective tissue, and pectoralis major muscle positioning to tailor a surgical plan that aims for symmetrical results.

Can I opt for a breast implant during my tuberous breast correction?

Yes, you can choose to include a breast implant during your surgery. Dr. Smith often uses implants to provide additional fat volume and a more natural shape to the abdomen of the breast.

Is there a risk of breast cancer post-surgery?

There’s no increased risk of breast cancer due to the surgery itself. However, any hypoplasia or abnormalities detected in your gland or connective tissue during the surgical process will be thoroughly examined.Any tissue removed is sent for pathology testing after the procedure to rule out any malignancy.

How long is the recovery period after tuberous breast correction?

Recovery time varies depending on the extent of the surgery, such as whether it involved mastopexy, breast augmentation, or both. Dr. Smith will provide a detailed recovery plan, considering factors like your anatomy and overall health.

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We’re actively doing Tuberous Breast Surgery in the following nearby locations: