Liposuction Gone Wrong

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If things don’t go as planned, liposuction can leave you with visible contour deformities, negative emotions, and wasted money.

Dr. Darren M. Smith, one of Manhattan’s most respected plastic surgeons, has tremendous experience in handling these unfortunate circumstances after treating numerous complex body contouring complications from around the world.

How Do You Know If Your Liposuction Went Wrong?

Liposuction is a procedure that should be conducted with precision and care. While results generally take 3 to 6 months to become clear, there are unmistakable signs that can indicate your liposuction didn’t go as planned. Here, we will go through the key warning signs that may require attention.

Uneven Fat Distribution

If, after a few months, you start noticing irregularities like bumps, waves, or lumpiness on the treated areas, this could be a sign of uneven fat removal.

Such outcomes could be the result of a lack of experience on the part of the surgeon or a mismatch between the procedure and your body type. Whatever the case, uneven fat distribution is a strong indicator that a revision might be necessary.

Dents and Divots

Dents and divots in the skin can closely resemble cellulite and are often a result of an overly aggressive lipo procedure. This usually happens when too much fat is removed from certain areas, or too close to the skin, leaving the skin looking uneven and unnatural. 

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Scar Tissue Buildup

Scarring is a natural part of any surgical procedure, but excessive or raised scar tissue could signify a problem. Not only is this aesthetically unpleasing, but it can also cause discomfort and skin irregularities.

Loose or Sagging Skin

Loose skin after liposuction is often an indicator that too much fat was removed, making it difficult for the skin to contract to your new contour. This can result in a saggy, unnatural appearance. Treatments like skin tightening or surgical removal of the loose skin may be necessary to correct the issue.

Cannula Marks

Cannula marks appear as straight lines or “stripes” on your skin and usually suggest that the liposuction cannula was passed too closely to the skin’s surface.

Such marks can be both unsightly and indicative of an improperly performed procedure. Corrective options could include additional liposuction and/or fat grafting to smooth out the area or energy-based treatments like BodyTite, VASER, or Emsculpt Neo, depending on this issue, to improve the skin’s appearance.

Tissue Necrosis

Loss of or damage to skin can be a sign of over-aggressive liposuction that interfered with the region’s blood supply. Liposuction too close to the skin can cause these issues as well.

Additional Concerns

It’s also crucial to watch out for other alarming symptoms like drainage beyond what your surgeon told you to expect, skin infections, prolonged pain, and uneven results. These can all indicate that the initial liposuction did not go as planned and that corrective action could be appropriate.

Addressing Botched Liposuction: What Are Your Options?

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If your first liposuction procedure was a miss rather than a hit, no worries—you can revise the procedure. Dr. Darren M. Smith, who not only performs these complex surgeries but also teaches them on a national scale, has some options for you.

Tumescent Liposuction and Advanced Methods

The go-to option for most revisions, especially in cases of uneven fat removal, is tumescent liposuction paired with VASER ultrasound, fat grafting, and BodyTite when warranted.  This multi-modality approach allows us to break up scar tissue, fill in divots, and tighten any loose, irregular skin.

Fat Grafting

Sometimes, filling in the gaps—literally—is necessary. Fat grafting can remove fat from one area of the body and inject it into another, correcting the hollows or severe bumps left by the initial procedure.

VASER for Breaking Down Scar Tissue

VASER is an advanced technology that uses ultrasound energy to target and break down scar tissue. By doing so, it opens up the space between the skin and deeper tissue layers, allowing for more effective fat grafting. This can significantly improve the appearance and feel of the treated area.

Are You a Suitable Candidate for Liposuction Revision?

Not everyone is a suitable candidate for corrective liposuction procedures. If you tick most of these boxes, you could be a good candidate for a liposuction revision.

Previous Liposuction ExperienceYou’ve had a prior liposuction procedure and are dissatisfied with the outcomes, such as irregularities or contour issues.
Waiting PeriodIt’s advisable to wait at least 3 to 6 months following your initial liposuction procedure before considering a revision. This gives your body time to heal fully.
Physical HealthCandidates should be in good physical condition, improving the likelihood of a smooth procedure and recovery.
Emotional Well-beingA strong emotional state is important for coping with the process and setting realistic expectations for the outcome.
Realistic ExpectationsUnderstanding the limitations and possibilities sets the stage for satisfaction with the results.
Weight MaintenanceCommitment to maintaining a stable weight post-surgery will enhance and prolong the results of the liposuction revision.
Post-Operative CareWillingness to diligently follow post-op instructions, such as wearing compression garments and possibly following a massage regimen, is essential for optimal results.
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Our Liposuction Revision Procedure

When it comes to revising a liposuction procedure, each patient’s needs are unique. At Dr. Darren M. Smith’s clinic, we offer a detailed, customized approach to ensure that you get the results you originally intended. 

1. Initial Consultation

Your journey starts with an initial consultation with Dr. Darren M. Smith, who is board-certified in plastic surgery.

During this stage, he will examine the areas that were treated in your previous liposuction procedure, discuss any concerns you may have, and evaluate your skin’s elasticity and any excess fat or skin. The intent is to gain a complete understanding of your goals for the second procedure.

2. Reviewing Your Previous Procedure

Dr. Smith will also evaluate any available records from your previous liposuction procedure. Understanding the technique used originally and identifying what might have gone wrong the first time around are essential steps for planning your revision surgery.

3. Customized Surgical Strategy

Equipped with insights from your consultation and previous procedure, Dr. Smith will then lay out a surgical strategy tailored to address your specific issues. This could involve using different liposuction techniques or incorporating additional procedures like fat grafting or skin tightening, depending on your unique needs.

4. The Day of Revision: Excellence in Execution

On the day of your revision surgery, Dr. Smith will employ the latest techniques to remove residual fat deposits, make natural transitions between treated areas, and enhance your overall body proportions. Advanced energy-based techniques may be used to maximize results while minimizing potential risks such as blood loss or skin disruption.

Combining Liposuction Revision With Other Procedures

It’s common to wonder whether you can “double up” and correct your liposuction while addressing other cosmetic concerns. Good news: In many instances, combining liposuction revision with other procedures is often safe and effective.

Combining procedures offers you the benefit of undergoing anesthesia only once, which can reduce both cost and recovery time.

Moreover, it allows for a more comprehensive transformation. For example, a tummy tuck can remove excess skin after revision liposuction, creating a smoother, tighter appearance.

Tummy Tuck

If your primary concern is loose or sagging skin around the abdomen, combining a tummy tuck with your revision liposuction could be beneficial. This procedure removes excess skin and tightens the abdominal muscles, making it a natural complement to liposuction.

Breast Surgery

Breast surgery, like breast augmentation or a breast lift, can also be combined with liposuction revisions. Such a combination can harmonize upper and lower body proportions, especially if the initial liposuction is focused on the abdomen or waist.

Fat Transfer

Another popular option is to have a fat transfer, like the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), alongside your revision liposuction. This involves relocating excess fat from the revision procedure to areas that may benefit from added volume, like the buttocks or face.

What to Expect After Liposuction Revision

So you’ve decided to get a liposuction revision and you’re likely wondering what comes next. Here’s what you can typically expect during the recovery phase under Dr. Darren M. Smith’s expert care.

Initial Recovery Experience: The First Few Days

  • Bruising: It’s common to experience bruising in the areas treated. This usually lasts for about one to two weeks. It can be dramatically decreased by incorporating VASER into your procedure.
  • Mild Discomfort: While you may experience some discomfort, it is quite manageable and improves with time. Most patients find that they don’t need pain medication beyond the first day or two.

Wearing Compression Garments

Dr. Smith may recommend wearing a compression garment for anywhere between one week to one-month post-surgery. This helps in minimizing swelling and aids in the healing process.

Getting Back to Routine

  • Return to Work: Most patients feel ready to return to office work within two days after the cosmetic procedure.
  • Physical Exercise: A light workout regimen is typically permissible 4-5 days post-surgery, with the go-ahead for more intense physical activities usually coming at the two-week mark.

Long-term Recovery: What to Look Forward To

  • Swelling: While swelling will be most noticeable during the first week, it will significantly decline during the second week.
  • Final Results: It takes about 3 to 6 months to fully appreciate the new contours and improvements made during the revision liposuction procedure.

Potential Risks of Liposuction Revision Surgery

Liposuction revision, while a solution to issues from an initial procedure, does have some associated possible side effects. These are very similar to the risks associated with a primary liposuction procedure and include things like infection, bleeding issues, or new contour abnormalities. It is essential to discuss your case and weigh the risks and benefits with a revision liposuction expert like Dr. Darren Smith..

Trust Your Liposuction Revision to Expert Hands: Consult with Dr. Darren M. Smith for a Second Chance at Excellence

We understand that dealing with bad liposuction results can be both physically and emotionally taxing.

That’s why we’re committed to offering you the highest level of expertise and care. Dr. Darren M. Smith is not just a board-certified plastic surgeon, but a respected specialist in liposuction revisions with advanced fellowship training.

When you choose our NYC clinic, you’re opting for a focused, patient-centered approach that aims to correct past adverse outcomes and help you achieve the results you originally envisioned.

You don’t have to live with dissatisfaction. Take a confident step toward improvement. Book an appointment online or call us now at +1 (212) 633-0627.

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