As one of the only board-certified plastic surgeons in the nation to have completed a craniofacial surgery fellowship and an aesthetic surgery fellowship, Dr. Smith brings a unique perspective and skillset to rhinoplasty surgery. To learn more about modern rhinoplasty procedures, book a consultation with us either online or over the phone.
Dr. Darren Smith, MD, FACS

The RHINOPLASTY before and after pictures represent actual patients from Dr. Smith. Individual results may vary.
NYC Rhinoplasty
Getting a rhinoplasty procedure (nose job) is one of the top ways to enhance your appearance and feel more confident. In some cases, a rhinoplasty is performed to improve breathing, along with improving nose shape, projection, and size. No matter your reason for needing a rhinoplasty, board-certified plastic surgeon Darren M. Smith, MD, can help.
As one of the only board-certified plastic surgeons in the nation to have completed a craniofacial surgery fellowship and an aesthetic surgery fellowship, Dr. Smith brings a unique perspective and
skillset to rhinoplasty surgery. To learn more about modern rhinoplasty procedures, book a consultation with us either online or over the phone.
Why might I need a rhinoplasty?
A rhinoplasty, more commonly known as a “nose job,” involves surgically reshaping your nose to improve your overall facial appearance, achieve facial balance, and improve your breathing. A rhinoplasty can:
- Improve nasal symmetry
- Change the shape of your nostrils
- Make your nose smaller
- Improve the shape of the tip of your nose
- Repair a nose bump or depression, possibly from a prior break
- Improve breathing
- Do any combination of the above to increase your overall happiness with your facial appearance
While commonly requested for aesthetic purposes, rhinoplasty is sometimes needed for medical purposes, too. For instance, if you have a deviated septum or obstructed airway that makes it difficult for you to breathe – or that causes you to snore – a rhinoplasty can finally bring you relief.
What happens during a rhinoplasty surgery?
Each rhinoplasty procedure is unique. During your consultation, Dr. Smith will work with you to understand your desired aesthetic and functional goals. He can also offer digital simulations of outcomes while planning the most attractive changes for your facial structure.
While all our procedures are highly-customized and based on the individual patient’s anatomy and their goals, perhaps no operation in plastic surgery is as different from one patient to the next as rhinoplasty. This is because the range of possibilities in nasal anatomy is particularly diverse. Therefore, the maneuvers that may need to be performed to achieve a given result vary tremendously from patient to patient.
Most of the maneuvers that may be performed during rhinoplasty can be grouped into several categories:
- Grafts (cartilage is taken from the nose or elsewhere and used to
change nasal shape) - Sutures (structures are sewn together to alter their relationship,
thereby affecting nasal aesthetics) - Septal surgery (the septum is the structure separating the
nostrils and may need to be
straightened in the presence of a “deviated” or curved septum) - Osteotomies (controlled reshaping of the nasal bones).
A different combination of grafts, sutures, septal surgery and osteotomies is performed in each rhinoplasty, although some rhinoplasties may not require maneuvers from each category.
Rhinoplasties can be performed “open” or “closed,” depending on the specifics of the case. In open rhinoplasty, a small incision is made on the columella (the structure separating your nostrils on the bottom of your nose) and the nasal skin is moved out of the way to allow access to the underlying structures. The resulting scar is very faint and well-hidden. In closed rhinoplasty, incisions are made inside the nasal passages, and are therefore hidden after the procedure.A rhinoplasty can be performed under general anesthesia (the patient is completely asleep) or “twilight” anesthesia (the patient is awake and breathing on his or her own but not aware of his or her surroundings). After the procedure you will recuperate in the recovery room and can generally return home one to two hours after surgery.
How long is the recovery after a nose job?
After surgery, you will have a small plastic splint on your nose that will stay in place for approximately 5 days. Most of your bruising and swelling will resolve to the point that you can return to work after 5-7 days.
You will feel swollen and a little sore after the procedure, but this also improves rapidly during the first week. The first week of your recovery should be spent taking short walks and with minimal exertion. During the second week, you can gradually increase your activity level.
After two weeks, you will be ready to resume your standard activity level, although the nose should be protected from direct trauma for approximately 6 weeks. Dr. Smith has advanced training in cutting-edge techniques, so your downtime, scarring and recovery are as low-impact as possible.
Book your rhinoplasty evaluation at the office of Darren M. Smith, MD, today with the online scheduler or call the office directly.