How Can I Get a More Defined Jawline? Exploring Chin Liposuction and Skin Tightening

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A woman is touching her neck with her hands, showcasing her defined jawline.

Non-Invasive Jawline Makeover? The Hype on Chin Lipo + Skin Tightening

Do you look in the mirror and wish you had a more sculpted, youthful jawline?

As we age, fat deposits and skin laxity along the jaw and chin can result in the dreaded “double chin” effect that makes us look older and heavier than we feel.

If you want to get rid of that double chin and achieve a tighter, more defined jawline, a combined approach of chin liposuction and skin tightening treatments may be the answer.

Understanding Chin Liposuction: Removing Fat for Contouring

A woman is smiling with her finger on her defined jawline.

Chin liposuction, also known as submental liposuction, is a procedure that removes excess fat from underneath the chin and along the jawline.

It is performed using a small cannula (thin tube) inserted through tiny incisions under the chin. The cannula is attached to a vacuum device that suctions out unwanted fat deposits.


Chin liposuction helps define the jaw by removing fat in areas that are resistant to diet and exercise. It is an effective way to address a “double chin” and enhance the overall facial profile.

Ideal candidates for chin lipo typically have good skin elasticity and localized submental fat but do not have significant skin laxity or looseness.


The limitations of chin liposuction become evident when addressing loose, sagging skin. While lipo can remove fat very effectively, it cannot tighten loose skin or address more generalized facial aging. That is where combining treatments becomes important.

When Is Chin Liposuction Alone Not Enough?

For patients whose main concern is skin laxity rather than just submental fat, relying on chin liposuction alone may not produce satisfactory results.

The remaining loose skin can diminish the contouring effects of fat removal in the chin and jaw area. This is especially true for patients over 40 years old, who are more likely to have skin laxity that needs addressing.

The Role of Skin Tightening in Enhancing Your Jawline

After chin liposuction removes excess fat, it’s crucial to also address skin laxity in the chin and neck area for the best possible contouring results and most defined jawline. The key is choosing the most effective skin tightening treatment for each patient’s individual needs and concerns.

The Latest Options in Skin Tightening Technology

There are several different energy-based skin tightening technologies to complement chin liposuction:

  • Radiofrequency (RF) treatments use targeted heating under the skin’s surface to stimulate new collagen production. Popular options include Thermage, Pelleve, and Exilis.
  • Laser skin resurfacing removes outer layers of skin tissue and stimulates new collagen growth. Effective laser treatments include fractional CO2 lasers and Erbium lasers.
  • High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) sends targeted ultrasound energy deep under the skin to lift and tighten tissue. Ultherapy is the most common HIFU device used for the chin and neck area.

Each technology has its own advantages, such as degree of downtime and number of sessions needed. An experienced provider can recommend the right choice based on your goals and level of skin laxity.

Why Combine Chin Liposuction and Skin Tightening?

A woman with red hair is touching her face with her finger, showing off her defined jawline.

Chin liposuction combined with energy-based skin tightening offers the most comprehensive approach to enhancing your jawline. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Fat removal defines and contours the jawline.
  • Skin tightening addresses loose, sagging skin in the chin and neck area.
  • Combining the procedures treats both fat and laxity for better overall improvement of the jawline profile.
  • Results are longer lasting because the treatments address two causes of an ill-defined jawline.

For patients in their 40s and beyond who have mild to moderate skin laxity in addition to submental fat, a combined procedural approach is likely to produce a more sculpted jawline and a sharper profile view.

Should You Get Simultaneous or Staged Procedures?

The two procedures can be performed together in one longer session or spaced out in a staged approach over two sessions.

Your provider will advise if you are a candidate for simultaneous chin liposuction and skin tightening based on the extent of each treatment needed.

Staging the procedures may be recommended if having extensive fat removal and more aggressive skin tightening done together is likely to result in more swelling, bruising or longer downtime.

For those who need more moderate treatments for both fat and laxity, a single combined session may suffice.

What Results Can You Realistically Expect?

While the combination of chin lipo and skin tightening is very effective for many patients, your individual results will depend on factors like:

  • Your degree of fat deposits and skin laxity
  • Your skin’s collagen content and elasticity
  • Following your provider’s pre- and post-procedure instructions

It’s important not to expect this dual treatment to take years off your appearance or produce jawline definition equivalent to surgery. The results will be subtler improvements, not dramatic changes.

You may need additional skin tightening sessions over time to maintain results as aging progresses.

Or you may be better suited for a surgical facelift if your skin laxity is more advanced. Discuss your options honestly with an experienced provider.

How to Choose Your Treatment Provider

Because chin liposuction and skin tightening involve your face, it’s crucial to have an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist perform your procedures. Do your research:

  • Verify their board certification in plastic surgery or dermatology.
  • Review before and after photos to evaluate their aesthetic skills.
  • Schedule a consultation to evaluate your candidacy and discuss realistic outcomes.

Ask how many chin procedures with skin tightening the provider performs monthly. An expert in facial rejuvenation should do these treatments regularly. Make sure you feel confident in both their abilities and their aesthetic judgment before moving forward.

FAQs: Chin Lipo and Skin Tightening

I’m considering chin lipo to get rid of stubborn fat under my chin, but I’m worried about loose skin afterward. Can skin tightening help?

Absolutely! Skin tightening technologies can significantly improve the results of chin lipo. By promoting collagen production and improving skin elasticity, these treatments help your skin “snap back” after fat removal, minimizing sagging or wrinkles.

Can I get chin lipo and skin tightening done at the same time?

It depends on your individual needs and the specific skin tightening technology recommended. Some treatments can be performed simultaneously with liposuction, while others may require a staged approach for optimal results. Your surgeon will advise you on the best timing.

I’m not a fan of surgery. Is there a non-invasive way to get rid of a double chin and tighten my skin?

While non-surgical options might provide some improvement, their results are often more subtle compared to chin lipo and skin tightening. Injectable treatments like Kybella can help reduce fat, and some skin-tightening devices use energy to stimulate collagen. However, they may not achieve the same level of contouring and tightening as a combined surgical approach.

How do I know which skin tightening method is right for me after chin lipo?

The best skin tightening method depends on your skin type, the degree of laxity, and your desired downtime. A consultation with a qualified surgeon will help you compare options like radiofrequency, laser, or ultrasound treatments to determine the optimal choice.

I want the best possible results. What should I look for in a provider for chin lipo and skin tightening?

Seek a board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist with extensive experience in both chin liposuction and skin tightening procedures. Ask about their success rate, see before-and-after photos of similar cases, and ensure you feel comfortable with their approach and communication style.

The Takeaway: A Combined Approach for Your Best Profile

A woman with a defined jawline is touching her face with her hands.

A sculpted jawline can take years off your appearance and produce a more youthful profile.

By combining chin liposuction to remove fat with energy-based skin tightening to address laxity, many patients can finally achieve the defined jawline they desire.

Choose an experienced provider, consider reasonable expectations, and this tailored procedural approach could give you transformative yet natural-looking results.

The key is addressing both fat and skin laxity through chin liposuction and skin tightening. This allows you to target two common causes of a double chin and ill-defined jawline for rejuvenation that looks natural and lasts.

With an expert’s help, you may finally be able to reveal your sculpted facial structure!