A Guide to Achieving a Defined Jawline with Chin Lipo and Implant

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A sculpted, well-defined jawline is increasingly seen as an attractive facial feature. Advancements in plastic surgery now make it possible to enhance the chin and jawline through procedures like chin liposuction and chin augmentation with implants. These techniques can be used individually or together to create better balance, proportion, and contour along the jaw.

Chin lipo targets fat deposits under the chin that can obscure jawline definition. Chin implants build out a recessed chin or strengthen a weak chin profile. The goal of these procedures is to achieve a slimmer, more angular jawline and improved facial harmony. For those seeking a non-surgical alternative, options like injectable fillers may also subtly enhance the chin.

This guide will cover everything you need to know about using chin lipo, chin implants, or combination surgery to attain a confident, sculpted jawline. We’ll discuss what causes a double chin, the benefits of enhancing your chin profile, details on recovery, and how to maintain results long-term.

The Impact of Double Chins

A double chin occurs due to the accumulation of excess fat, loose skin, or both under the chin and jawline region. Weight gain and aging are common contributors as fat deposits enlarge and skin elasticity diminishes. Genetics can also predispose some people to carrying weight in their neck and chin.

The appearance of a double chin can detract from an otherwise balanced facial profile. It obscures the angularity of the jawline, creating a smoother transition from the chin to the neck. Enhancing the definition of this area through chin procedures can greatly improve facial aesthetics.

How to Get Rid of Double Chin?

1. Chin Liposuction

Chin liposuction, also called submental liposuction, is a plastic surgery procedure that removes excess fat to eliminate a double chin. It involves small incisions under the chin to insert a cannula attached to a vacuum device. The cannula dislodges and suctions out unwanted fat cells and tissues.

This technique leaves surrounding muscles, tissues, and skin intact but now contoured to a slimmer, better-defined jawline. Results are permanent, provided you maintain a stable weight. Submental liposuction takes one to two hours to perform under local or general anesthesia. It can be done as a standalone procedure or combined with a chin implant.

Chin liposuction offers non-surgical alternatives to destroy fat cells and provides more precise fat removal, with longer-lasting results.

2. Chin Implants

Chin implant surgery, on the other hand, uses silicone or alternative implants to build out the chin profile and increase projection. This augments a small or weak chin to achieve better facial proportion and harmony. An implant can project the chin area forward or elongate it to strengthen a receding jawline.

The implant procedure involves a small incision under the chin or inside the mouth for implant placement. The implant type and size are customized to your facial anatomy. 

When combined with chin liposuction, the implant builds out the chin while suctioning reduces surrounding fat. This maximizes contour and definition along the entire jawline. An augmented chin can also balance out a large nose or restore facial symmetry.

Types of Implants Used

There are two main types of chin implants used for chin augmentation:

  • Smooth implants: These implants are made of solid silicone material. Silicone is soft and flexible, allowing the implant to be easily maneuvered and removed. However, smooth silicone implants may be more likely to shift out of place over time compared to other materials.
  • Porous implants: These implants have tiny holes throughout the material, allowing tissue to grow into the implant. Common porous implant materials include Medpor, Gore-Tex, and Teflon. The ingrowth helps secure the implant in place, making it less likely to shift. However, porous implants can be more difficult to remove than smooth implants.

Beyond the implant texture, chin implants come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The surgeon will select the appropriate implant based on the patient’s facial structure and aesthetic goals.

Some of the most common implant materials include:

SiliconeThe most widely used material due to its flexibility and biocompatibility.
MedporA porous polyethylene material that is durable, strong, and resistant to infection.
Gore-TexA lightweight, porous polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) that allows tissue ingrowth. Also infection-resistant.

Combining Procedures to Maximize Results

chin surgery

Chin liposuction and chin implants are effective procedures on their own for creating a more defined jawline. However, combining these treatments with other complementary cosmetic procedures can enhance the results even further. Strategically choosing additional techniques that target other facial concerns allows for a comprehensive approach to achieving overall facial balance and proportion. The synergistic effects of multiple well-matched procedures can take jawline definition and facial aesthetics to the next level.

  1. Rhinoplasty can be an ideal complement to chin surgery. Reshaping both the nose and chin creates facial symmetry and harmony. The nose and chin significantly impact profile and proportion, so addressing both areas can lead to a naturally balanced look.
  2. Facelifts and neck lifts also pair well with chin implants or liposuction. These techniques tighten and smooth the surrounding areas, enhancing chin definition. Any sagging or excess skin is tightened, revealing a crisp jawline.
  3. Neck liposuction removes excess fat and tissue in the neck and under the chin helps uncover the natural contours of the jaw bone. This allows the results of chin surgery to shine through. Liposuction works best for patients who are near their ideal weight but have stubborn pockets of submental fat.
  4. Lip augmentation provides another possibility. Filling and shaping the lips can draw attention upward from the chin area, highlighting a refined jawline.

Recovery and Aftercare

Recovery and aftercare for chin liposuction and chin implants are important aspects of the procedures.

Chin Liposuction RecoveryChin Implants Recovery
Recovery time for chin liposuction is typically three to four weeksRecovery time for chin implants is typically one to two weeks
Immediately after the procedure, patients are usually put into a headwrap to reduce swelling and keep the shape of the new jawline and neck, with over-the-counter pain medicationPatients may experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication
Patients should continue wearing the headwrap for as long as directed by the surgeon and take it easy in general, especially over the first few daysPatients should avoid strenuous activity for at least two weeks after the procedure
Patients should see their physician approximately five to seven days following the surgeryPatients should see their physician approximately five to seven days following the surgery

Additional Tips to Recover Faster

  • Sleep with your head elevated above your heart for the first three to four days
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for at least two weeks after the procedure
  • Eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water to help with the healing process
  • Avoid touching or rubbing the treated area and follow your surgeon’s post operative instruction

To sustain a sharply contoured jawline, patients should maintain their goal weight and refrain from significant weight fluctuations. Skin will gradually lose elasticity over time but a healthy lifestyle can minimize loosening.

Procedures like RF skin tightening and dermal treatments promote collagen growth to improve skin tone and elasticity. For moderate skin laxity, a lower facelift with skin removal can be considered.

Weight loss after surgery may reduce volume along the jawline. Conversely, weight gain can impact results. Touch-up procedures are an option if fat accumulates or implants shift position.


before and after portrait of a woman who had chin liposuction procedure

A sculpted jawline can lend an angular, photogenic quality that feels dignified yet alluring. By removing a double chin and enhancing chin projection, procedures like liposuction and augmentation make it possible to achieve balance, definition, and confidence in your profile. An experienced plastic surgeon can recommend a tailored approach to meet your aesthetic objectives.

When considering chin enhancement, be sure to choose your doctor carefully based on extensive training and artistry. Look for outstanding patient reviews and results. This ensures a safe, satisfying procedure that helps realize your ideal chin profile and jawline contour.

Dr. Darren M. Smith is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon focused on restoring harmony, balance, and confidence through procedures like chin enhancement. Known for his meticulous technique and natural-looking outcomes, Dr. Smith strives to help patients meet their aesthetic goals. Contact his office to schedule your consultation.

You may also reach Dr. Smith by calling (212) 633-0627 today!