Liposuction Before and After
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This gallery offers an overview of liposuction results from different body areas. To see more results organized by treatment area, please click here.
Patient 1 (Liposuction To The Abdomen and Waist.)
This is a young woman shown before and after liposuction to the abdomen and waist.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 2 (Liposuction Abdomen & Waist Before & After Photo)
This young woman wanted to improve the contour of her abdomen and waist. General anesthesia is not required for procedures like this, and you can expect to be back at work in about two days – weekend recovery is a popular option.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 3 (Liposuction Before and After Photos of Abdomen & Chest)
This gentleman wanted to improve the contour of his abdomen and chest. We achieved this result with gynecomastia reduction, liposuction, and radiofrequency skin tightening with BodyTite. This kind of procedure can be performed on a Friday so you can be back at work on Monday.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 4 (Liposuction Before and After Photos of Neck)
This patient did not like the appearance of her neck in profile. We achieved this result with 30 minutes of liposuction and radio frequency energy under local anesthesia.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 5 (Liposuction Before and After Photos of Abdomen & Chest)
This gentleman did not like the appearance of his abdomen and chest. We achieved this result with liposuction and no general anesthesia.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 6 (Liposuction Before and After Photo of Love Handles)
This is a fit young woman who didn’t like her love handles. This result was achieved with 30 minutes of liposuction under local anesthesia.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 7 (Liposuction Before and After Photo of Abdomen, Waiste & Chest)
This gentleman did not like the appearance of his abdomen, waiste and chest. We achieved this result with liposuction and no general anesthesia.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 8 (Liposuction Before and After Photos of Outer Thighs)
This is a young woman before and after liposuction to outer thighs.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 9 (Liposuction Before and After Photos of Neck & Jaw)
This young woman did not like her profile. We improved her neck and jaw line with 30 minutes of liposuction.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 10 (Liposuction Before and After Photos of Love Handles)
This is a fit gentleman who could not get rid of his love handles despite signficant gym time. 30 minutes of liposuction under local anesthesia achieved this result.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 11 (Liposuction Before and After Photos of Outer Thighs)
This woman did not like the contour of her outer thighs. We achieved this result with liposuction without general anesthesia.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 12 ((Liposuction Before and After Photos of Flanks)
This woman did not like the fullness of her flanks. We achieved this result with liposuction. The procedure did not require general anesthesia.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 13
This young woman did not like the appearance of her waist. The result shown was achieved with liposuction without general anesthesia.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 16 (Liposuction before and after)
This woman did not like the appearance of her abdomen. This result was achieved with approximately 1 hour of liposuction without general anesthesia..
Individual results may vary.

Patient 17
This is a fit woman who was unable to eliminate the bulges on her outer thighs. We achieved this result with 20 minutes of liposuction without general anesthesia.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 18
This gentleman did not like the appearance of his waist. We achieved the improvement shown with 20 minutes of liposuction without general anesthesia.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 20
This is a woman in her 60’s who wanted a smaller, tighter abdomen without undergoing a full abdominoplasty. This result was achieved with BodyTite radiofrequency energy and liposuction using just a few 3mm incisions. Most patients can return to work 48 hours after this procedure.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 22
This woman in her 60’s wanted to improve the contour of her abdomen and waist. She is shown before and approximately 1 month after liposuction of her flanks and skin tightening with BodyTite.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 23
This woman wanted to improve the appearance of her double chin and improve the contour of her jawline. She is shown before and after liposuction and skin tightening with FaceTite. This procedure can be performed in under an hour with local anesthesia. Recovery is comfortable and a return to work in 48 hours is a reasonable expectation.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 24
Before and 5 days after liposuction to correct paradoxical adipose hyperplasia of waist.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 25
This is a woman shown before and just a few weeks after liposuction of the arms. Her results will continue to improve as her swelling resolves.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 26
This is a fit woman who wanted to streamline the appearance of her neck. The result shown was achieved with liposuction and BodyTite radiofrequency skin tightening.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 28
This woman in her mid-40’s is shown before and after BodyTite and liposuction of her “bra-roll” area.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 29
Young woman shown before and after liposuction of abdomen and waist.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 30
Young woman shown before and after chin and jawline contouring with precision liposuction.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 31
Woman in her 40s shown before and after liposuction of posterior neck fat.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 32
This is a woman who wanted to improve the contour of her abdomen and waist. We used VASER to achieve an excellent, natural contour with enhanced deep tissue tightening.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 33
This is a woman shown before and after liposuction to eliminate her back roll.
Individual results may vary.

Patient 34
This is a woman shown before and after arm and axillary liposuction shown from the side view.
Individual results may vary.