What Causes Large Breasts?

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What Causes Large Breasts?

Breast size can heavily influence a person’s physical and emotional well-being. For example, excessively large breasts can cause back, shoulder, and neck pain. Disproportionately large breasts can also be a source of self-consciousness for some people, regardless of gender.

If you have uncomfortably big breasts, you may be wondering what causes large breasts in the first place and what you can do to help make your breasts smaller or more comfortable.

5 Reasons for Large Breasts – What Causes Large Breasts?

Patients with overly large breasts often describe them as an inconvenience. Everyday activities like playing sports, working out, or shopping can become a challenge. Very large breasts can also cause skin irritations, like rashes under the breasts.

Everyone is unique. Here are some reasons why you may have a disproportionately large bust.
01. Genetics: Genetics can play a big part in breast overdevelopment. Some people are genetically predisposed to large breasts. You can inherit large breasts from your mother’s and father’s sides of the family.

02. Hormones: Hormone changes can happen during puberty. Increases in estrogen and other hormones during puberty can provoke excessive breast development. Pregnancy and milk production can also force the breasts to enlarge due to hormonal shifts.

03. Weight Gain: Everyone stores fat differently. Some people hold a significant amount of fat in their breasts compared to the rest of their bodies. This is because the breasts are made up of fatty and glandular tissues, and the fatty tissue volume fluctuates when weight is gained or lost. Sometimes the excess fat will remain in the breasts, even after weight loss.

04. Recreational Drug Use: Some research shows that certain drugs like marijuana can cause breast enlargement in men and women. Men are at a higher risk of developing enlarged breasts (gynecomastia) due to marijuana use.

05. Medications: Prescription drugs like anabolic steroids can cause breast enlargement, primarily when not used as directed.

Some people may have only one enlarged breast, causing breast asymmetry. If you have questions about treatment options for enlarged breasts, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

Can I Reduce My Breast Size?

Usually, you cannot prevent large breasts due to factors like genetics or hormones. For many, diet and exercise alone won’t significantly affect enlarged breasts. The best way to reduce oversized breasts is with breast reduction surgery.

A breast reduction or ‘reduction mammoplasty’ removes excess breast gland tissue, fat, and skin in the breast. The breasts will be lighter and smaller. Your nipples will be reshaped or raised to create a perkier breast shape. If your breasts are large but not excessively oversized, you may be able to reduce your breast size with liposuction. Lipo is an easier, less-invasive procedure, but a breast reduction will provide more dramatic results.

Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Reduction Surgery?

A breast reduction could help you regain confidence and ease some of the physical challenges of having an oversized chest. The procedure is ideal for patients with very large breasts since puberty or for those whose breasts have permanently increased in size following childbirth.

Breast reduction is possible for women and men (gynecomastia reduction surgery) who feel that their breasts are too big or not in proportion with the rest of their bodies. Please remember that you should be at or close to your ideal weight if you’re considering having a breast reduction. If you plan on losing a lot of weight or becoming pregnant in the future, speak with Dr. Smith about your options.

Do you check the boxes below? If yes, you may be an ideal candidate.

  • You’re an adult with fully-developed breasts
  • You’re physically fit and healthy
  • Large breasts cause emotional or physical discomfort
  • You have realistic expectations of what can be achieved by surgery

Does Weight Loss Help?

While losing weight can be beneficial for many health reasons, weight loss often doesn’t help treat symptoms related to heavy breasts. For instance, back, neck, and shoulder pain is caused by weighty breast skin and excess fat. For some, even losing a significant amount of body weight will not reduce breast size.


If you’re uncomfortable with the size of your breasts, contact ​​our office to schedule a consultation. Our team will help you understand your options and determine if you’re a good candidate for breast reduction surgery.