Buffalo Hump Liposuction NYC

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A woman is sitting on a couch with her hands on her neck.

Are you self-conscious about a noticeable bump on the back of your neck? This condition can develop from excess fatty tissue accumulation, negatively impacting your confidence and quality of life. Left untreated, the hump may continue growing, exacerbating poor posture and can make you feel uncomfortable in your own skin.

Luckily, there is a minimally invasive procedure that can successfully remove “buffalo humps” – Liposuction. As one of the top surgeons in New York specializing in this technique, Dr. Darren M. Smith uses advanced liposuction methods to contour the entire neck area.

Understanding Buffalo Humps

A buffalo hump is fatty excess of the dorsocervical fat pad. The fat sits at the base of the back of the neck and between the shoulders and leaves a noticeable hump. Excess body weight is a very common cause of a buffalo hump, but other factors and medical conditions may contribute as well. Some common causes that contribute to this accumulation include:

  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Genetic predisposition to fat in this area
  • Cushing’s Syndrome
  • Medications for HIV (Lipodystrophy)
  • Tumor or pituitary dysfunction
  • Other endocrine issues
  • Poor posture or kyphodis may mimic this condition by favoring cervical flexion
  • Osteoporosis may also mimic this condition by causing cervical collapse

Difference Between a Dowager’s Hump and a Buffalo Hump

A dowager’s hump is caused by a forward curvature in the bones of the spine. A buffalo hump is caused by a fat deposit on the back of the neck.

Why Choose Liposuction for Buffalo Hump Removal?

Among minimally invasive options, liposuction is highly effective at eliminating buffalo humps if it is caused by extra fat and not by an underlying medical condition. More advanced ultrasonic methods like VASER liposuction can strategically address both fat and fibrous tissues. AirSculpt is a marketing term for an older form of liposuction (laser assisted liposuction) that can also be used to treat this issue.

If you have a hump at the base of your neck, visit Dr. Smith for your initial consultation.

A man with a neck pain and Buffalo Hump is sitting on a couch.

VASER uses ultrasonic waves to selectively melt and break up fatty deposits before gentle removal. This allows for precise contouring even in nodular areas that can be resistant to surgery.

AirSculpt is an older technology that incorporates laser liquefaction followed by controlled extraction of dissolved fat. This technique is also designed to minimize trauma and bruising compared to traditional suction-only methods, but we find VASER to be far more effective.

Power-assisted liposuction is also highly effective due to its ability to gradually dislodge tough, intertwined tissues through mechanical vibrations.

Advanced energy-based technologies especially benefit buffalo hump treatments by smoothly sculpting the region while maintaining a natural transition between contours. Their application of focused heat optimizes results through safe, thorough liquefaction and removal of excess deposits.

3D image of a man with a neck pain caused by a Buffalo Hump.
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The Liposuction Procedure


The first step is a comprehensive consultation where Dr. Smith will thoroughly examine the hump and neck area, take your medical history, and assess if you are an ideal candidate. This allows customizing a surgical strategy tailored to each patient’s needs.


In preparation, patients will be advised to discontinue certain medications that could increase bleeding such as anti-inflammatory drugs, blood thinners, and others 10-14 days prior to surgery. Ceasing these ahead of time helps ensure a safe procedure.


For buffalo hump removal, Dr. Smith often uses power-assisted liposuction along with VASER ultrasound technology. This helps break up fibrous tissue in the area while minimizing trauma to the tissues.

First, Dr. Smith will make small incisions in the treatment site. Then, the dense fat of the hump is suctioned away using a cannula. This leaves you with a smoother, flatter back profile.

After the procedure, Dr. Smith will recommend a compression garment to wear consisently for 48 hours as swelling subsides post-op. After this initial period, it is removed and you can take your first post-procedure shower.

Right after surgery, Dr. Smith will keep you in one of our aftercare suits for a short time. Then you’ll be released to go home. Please note – no driving yourself. Instead, arrange a ride with someone you trust. They can take you home once you’re ready for discharge.


Dr. Smith performs buffalo hump removal using local anesthesia. So you’ll feel numb but remain awake during the less than one hour procedure. If you prefer to be partially or completely asleep, we will arrange for our board certified anesthesiologist to provide IV sedation (“twilight anesthesia”) or general anesthesia as appropriate.

Buffalo Hump Lipo Post-Procedure Care and Recovery

While liposuction is minimally invasive, swelling, bruising, and soreness often occur after surgery. These issues gradually improve over the following days. Many patients rely on over-the-counter medications to ease any discomfort experienced.

Typically, buffalo hump liposuction recovery is easy, with minimal downtime. Most people can return to office work within one to two days. However, those with more complex cases or combining it with other procedures may have an extended recovery period.

In general, patients should avoid strenuous exercise for two weeks post-op. Be sure to get Dr. Smith’s approval before restarting your workout routine.

The good news is that any discomfort tends to fade quickly. Work closely with Dr. Smith and follow all aftercare instructions to aid your recovery and achieve the best results.

When Will You See Results?

Liposuction permanently eliminates fat cells. Within a couple weeks post-op, you’ll see a pleasing change in your contour. However, the final results fully emerge once all the swelling subsides.

It generally takes 3-4 months for final results to appear. Be patient during your recovery – the swelling gradually decreases over this timeframe.

Can a Buffalo Hump Return After Removal?

Whether a buffalo hump recurs depends on the underlying cause. If a medical condition led to its development, proactively managing your situation through proper care can lower the chances of reoccurrence. Sometimes adjusting medications prevents regrowth as well.

If weight gain caused the hump, the eliminated fat cells won’t grow back. However, if you put on significant weight post-op, you may need a second procedure to address expansion of any fat cells remaining in the treatment area – this is a very uncommon occurence.

Benefits of Buffalo Hump Liposuction

Aesthetic Enhancements

By eliminating fatty humps and sculpting a smooth, proportional upper back, patients achieve a dramatically improved aesthetic profile. They can look forward to showing off an athletic, balanced neckline no longer distorted by fat accumulation. With larger buffalo humps, the procedure can improve the appearance of the neck region from the front as well as the sides and back.

A black man with a buffalo hump putting his hand on his back.
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Practical Improvements

Beyond cosmetic effects, buffalo hump liposuction can help patients fit into standard clothing sizes and wear their outfits of choice with pride. Patients feel empowered and confident participating in daily activities without self-consciousness.

Long-Lasting Results

We use advanced body contouring techniques to achieve results that last for years to come. Dr. Smith creates a naturally harmonious form maintained through a healthy lifestyle. His artistry achieves sophisticated symmetry pleasing to patients and observers alike. Combined with nonsurgical wellness, these refined contours motivate long-term confidence and self-care.

Buffalo hump on a man's neck, characterized by a prominent hump formation.

Potential Risks and Complications

While generally safe, buffalo hump liposuction carries minor risks as with any surgery. Loose skin or numbness may rarely occur but typically fade over weeks. Other minor risks include

  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Numbness
  • Unsatisfactory results
  • Infection

Selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Darren M. Smith, who specializes in plastic surgery and performs this surgical procedure frequently helps minimize complications. Proper post-operative care and a healthy lifestyle also aid the healing process.

A woman sporting a green bikini that highlights her toned back.

Cost and Financing

The average cost of buffalo hump liposuction surgery ranges between $5,000- $8,000 depending on individual factors like extent of removal needed and anesthesia. This typically covers the surgeon’s fee but may not cover facility fees and anesthesia by board-certified anesthesiologiste.

A man with a neck pain and a hump is shown.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is buffalo hump liposuction with VASER more effective than traditional liposuction?

Yes, advanced technology like VASER allows for more precise and thorough fat removal from the dense tissues in the posterior neck than traditional liposuction alone. This results in better contouring and smoothing of this area.

How long is the recovery period after buffalo hump lipo?

Most patients can resume normal activities within a couple of days after surgery. However, avoiding strenuous exercise for approximately twol weeks allows proper healing. Listen to your body and follow your surgeon’s post-op instructions.

When will I see the results after buffalo hump liposuction?

You may notice some improvement within the first couple weeks after surgery as the swelling subsides. However, final results become apparent around 3-4 months post-op once all swelling has resolved.

Can a buffalo hump return after surgical removal?

If the hump was due to excess fat, the removed fat cells are permanently gone. However, significant weight gain or a medical condition causing fat accumulation could lead to recurrence through growth of remaining fat cells in the treatment area. Maintaining a stable weight helps preserve your results.

Is liposuction an effective treatment for all types of buffalo humps?

If the hump is due to excess fat, liposuction can smoothly contour the area. But if it is caused by a structural issue like osteoporosis or Dowager’s hump, alternative treatments may be required. Schedule a consultation so Dr. Smith can determine the cause and best treatment option.

Why Choose Dr. Darren M. Smith?

With expertise in body contouring procedures and advanced training in plastic and reconstructive surgery, Dr. Smith brings specialized skills and artistry to buffalo hump treatments.

As a board certified plastic surgeon, he understands regional anatomy and ensures natural, balanced outcomes. Dr. Smith is committed to providing sophisticated results with the latest techniques for safe and effective hump reduction.

For those seeking an improved appearance and confidence through buffalo hump reduction, Dr. Smith’s extensive training and artistic expertise ensure natural-looking, long-lasting results.

A private consultation allows thorough evaluation and planning of the right customized approach.

A man in a suit and tie is posing for a photo.

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