Facelift NYC

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A man with a beard getting a facial treatment.

Dr. Darren Smith brings two special characteristics to your facelift procedure. First, he is one of the only plastic surgeons in the country to have dual fellowship training in aesthetic surgery and craniofacial surgery. 

Second, he is a native New Yorker and has grown up with a sophisticated, natural NYC aesthetic. This background ensures that Dr. Smith knows what looks good and that he can achieve the desired result with technical excellence.

Understanding Facelifts: The What and Why

A facelift is a specialized procedure aimed at reviving the youthful contours and appearance of your face. Under the skillful hands of professionals like Dr. Darren M. Smith, a facelift works to restore and refresh your features. Deep wrinkles are diminished and sagging skin is eliminated.

This cosmetic procedure is not about a tight pull. The key to a natural facelift is to restore the balance of volume to the deeper layers of the face. Adjusting and redistributing facial volume helps to achieve a naturally youthful silhouette. 

The objective isn’t to make you look like a different person; rather, it’s about refreshing your appearance to mirror a younger version of yourself.

Why You Might Consider a Facelift

Aging brings about predictable changes to your face. Over time, the once youthful, oval, or heart-shaped contour of your face may transition to a more rectangular or triangular shape.

This change in shape often signifies a loss of midface volume and a sense of descent in facial tissues, most notably in the cheek and mouth areas. A facelift targets these specific shifts, custom-tailored to each individual’s unique aging pattern.

The cosmetic procedure aims to restore the face to its youthful, refreshed state, transforming the shape from tired and aged back to vibrant and youthful.

Your Ideal Look, Now Within Reach
Achieve the face and body you’ve always wanted. Schedule your private consultation today.
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Types of Facelifts in NYC: A Guide to the Most Popular Techniques

In the heart of NYC, the landscape of facelift techniques is as diverse as the city itself. Patients have an array of options, each tailored to unique needs and outcomes. Here, we break down some of the most commonly performed facelifts in the city.

Traditional Facelifts

Often referred to as rhytidectomy, traditional facelifts target sagging facial tissues, jowls, and the more pronounced signs of aging like drooping skin under the chin. 

These are comprehensive procedures designed to tackle deep creases extending from your nostrils to the corners of your mouth, commonly known as nasolabial folds.

Enhanced Skin Tightness: Traditional facelifts effectively lift and tighten sagging skin and jowls, creating a more youthful look.Longer Recovery Time: Expect a downtime of 1-2 weeks, which is generally longer than less invasive options.
Wrinkle Reduction: Notably diminishes deep wrinkles and folds, including nasolabial folds.Invasive Procedure: Due to its comprehensive nature, traditional facelifts are more invasive, requiring more involved postoperative care.
Improved Facial Contours: Achieves a balanced and symmetrical facial structure, enhancing overall aesthetic appeal.Risk of Complications: Although rare, risks include infection, bleeding, and prolonged swelling.
Long-lasting Results: With proper skincare and lifestyle maintenance, the results can be maintained for many years.Higher Cost: Generally more expensive than other less invasive facelift techniques.

Mini Facelifts

A mini facelift is often the choice for those who seek a more youthful appearance but aren’t ready for the commitment of a full facelift. 

This procedure generally costs less and is best suited for individuals focused on minor corrections, like targeted wrinkle reduction. It also comes with the benefit of less downtime.

Less Invasive: Mini facelifts require shorter incisions, resulting in a quicker recovery and less scarring.Less Dramatic Results: While effective, the results may not be as transformative as those from a traditional facelift.
Minimal Scarring: Typically leaves fewer and less visible scars compared to traditional facelifts.Limited Suitability: May not be the best option for individuals with more severe signs of aging.
Cost-Effective: Generally less expensive than traditional facelifts, making it accessible for more people.Limited Scope: Not as effective in addressing significant skin sagging or other more advanced signs of  aging as traditional facelifts are.
Quick Recovery: Patients usually recover within 1-2 weeks, allowing them to return to normal activities sooner.Face Only: Does not address aging of the neck.
Ideal for Mild to Moderate Aging: Best suited for those experiencing initial signs of aging, such as minor sagging and skin laxity.Not as Powerful: Results may not last as long.

Deep Plane Facelifts

Deep-plane facelifts are something of a controversial technique. This technique involves more intricate work deeper in the face, beneath the Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System (SMAS), and some claim it can achieve more powerful results. 

This technique, however, is substantially more invasive and risk-laden than the others, and its benefits have not been clearly borne out in the literature.

Natural-Looking Results: Targets the SMAS layer for genuine and long-lasting results.More Invasive: Requires more complex surgical techniques than other facelift types.
Well-hidden Scars: Like the other techniques discussed, Incisions are strategically placed in less visible areas like behind the ears, in the creases around the ears, and at the hairline, reducing visible scarring.Higher Risk of Complications: Involves a greater risk of issues like infection, bleeding, nerve damage, and scarring.
Long-Lasting Results: This is a comprehensive approach that lifts the face from the inside out, yielding dramatic, long-lasting results.Expensive: Generally more expensive due to the intricate nature of the surgery.
Suited for Severe Signs of Facial Aging: Targeted towards individuals with advanced signs of facial aging, offering a comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation.Extended Recovery: Typically requires a longer recovery period, around 2-3 weeks, before resuming normal activities.

Identifying the Right Facelift Candidates

What Facelifts Can Achieve for You

Facelifts at our clinic are designed to refresh your appearance, addressing common concerns such as:

  • Sagging skin
  • The development of jowls
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Volume loss in cheeks
  • Slack skin under the chin
  • Loss of midface (cheek) volume 

The objective is to enhance your facial contours, offering a renewed and youthful visage.

Prerequisites for A Successful Facelift

For the best outcomes, we recommend that you:

  • Be in good overall health
  • Possess reasonable expectations about the surgical results
  • Have the availability to commit to a recovery period post-surgery

Candidate Considerations

In your consultation, Dr. Darren M. Smith will evaluate multiple aspects to ascertain your suitability for a facelift, including:

  • Your Age Range: While facelifts are commonly recommended for individuals in their 40s to 60s, age is not a strict criterion. We evaluate each candidate based on their unique needs, which may make the procedure suitable for individuals before or after the more typical age range as well.
  • Skin Quality: Individuals with thicker, more elastic skin often experience better outcomes, compared to those with thinner, less resilient skin.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Your daily activities and commitments can affect your choice of facelift. For instance, those with demanding schedules may opt for less invasive procedures like mini facelifts.
  • Expectation Management: The most satisfied patients are those who approach the procedure with a grounded understanding of what a facelift can achieve. While the procedure can make dramatic improvements, it’s essential to remember that it won’t halt the aging process.

To explore whether a facelift is an appropriate choice for you, please schedule a personalized consultation with Dr. Darren M. Smith. Our aim is to align the procedure closely with your individual objectives and lifestyle.

Transform and Reveal Your True Radiance
Unlock your true beauty potential with our transformative procedures. Schedule your consultation today. Schedule Consultation Now

Our Facelift Protocols

1. Preoperative Planning

The journey towards a revitalized appearance starts with a comprehensive consultation. Dr. Smith will discuss your aesthetic goals and draft a personalized treatment plan. A thorough physical examination and review of your medical history are also part of this crucial first step.

2. Anesthesia

In most cases, general anesthesia is administered to ensure you’re completely comfortable and unaware during the surgery.

3. Making Incisions

The incisions are typically made behind the ears, in the creases of the ear, and along the hairline. An incision may be made in the chin crease depending on the surgical plan. The incisions provide access to the deeper tissues.

4. Lifting and Tightening

Here, Dr. Smith works on the foundational layers of your face and neck, such as the SMAS layer, to lift and tighten the tissues. Excess skin is removed and fat volume is redistributed to achieve a more refined look.

5. Closing the Incisions

Meticulous technique is used to close the incisions and set a healthy healing process in motion..

6. Postoperative Care

After surgery, you’ll wear a compression garment for several weeks to aid healing. Avoid strenuous activities during this period to ensure a smooth recovery.

7. Recovery and Longevity

The typical recovery period lasts around 2 weeks. Temporary bruising and swelling are common but will subside. While the results are long-lasting, natural aging and gravity will eventually introduce some changes.

Additional Points to Consider

  • Note that facelift procedures can differ in their specific steps based on the technique used.
  • Only allow a qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Darren M. Smith to perform this major surgical procedure.
  • Risks such as infection, bleeding, and scarring exist, so it’s essential to discuss these with Dr. Smith before making your decision.

Follow-Up Care and Healing Timeline After Facelift Surgery

Immediate Postoperative Care: The First 24 Hours

Upon completion of your surgery, a small drain is placed behind each ear. Soft dressings and cool packs are applied to mitigate swelling and bruising.

You’ll be escorted to your home or hotel by a specialized nurse who will stay with you until the next morning, ensuring your comfort and monitoring your initial recovery.

Day After Surgery: Dressings and Drains

On the morning after your surgery, we will remove your dressings and take out the drains. This step is significant as it marks the beginning of your healing phase.

The First Week: Minimal Exertion

Between days 4-7 post-surgery, a large percentage of your swelling and bruising should start to subside. During this time, short walks are recommended, but avoid heavy physical exertion. Most patients feel okay stepping back into public life with a touch of makeup at the end of this period.

Second Week: Increasing Activity

During the second week, you can start to engage in slightly more strenuous activities, adhering to the guidelines provided by Dr. Smith. At the end of this week, many patients are comfortable returning to desk jobs.

Weeks 3-4: Back to Normal

By the end of the third week and going into the fourth, you’ll likely be cleared to resume your full range of preoperative activities.

Post-Facelift Recovery and Aftercare Guide

Taking care of yourself after a facelift procedure is crucial for optimal results. Here’s a comprehensive guide that we share with our patients  to help them navigate through the postoperative period:

  1. Elevate Your Head: For the first 2-3 days after the procedure, make sure to keep your head elevated. This can aid in reducing swelling and accelerate your recovery.
  2. Adhere to Post-Op Guidelines: You’ll be given written instructions detailing your aftercare and activities. Following these directions meticulously can make a world of difference in your recovery.
  3. Restrict Physical Activity: For at least one week, avoid all strenuous activities. Housework and exercise should be off your to-do list for a minimum of two weeks.
  4. Be Mindful of Medication and Diet: Stay away from certain medications like aspirin and ibuprofen, which can promote bruising or bleeding. It’s also best to avoid fish oil, vitamin E supplements, or other potential blood thinners if you usually take them.
  5. Inspect Your Incisions: Regularly check your incisions for any signs of something out of the ordinary. While problems are very rare, catching something early can make a big difference. Consult your doctor immediately if you develop a significant fever.
  6. Don’t Overexert Yourself: Refrain from activities that could elevate your blood pressure, like bending over or lifting heavy items, to prevent the risk of a hematoma under the facelift flap.
  7. Avoid Blood-Thinning Substances: Preemptively and post-operatively, steer clear of blood-thinners, including certain health supplements and alcohol.
  8. Steer Clear of Smoking: If you’re a smoker, quitting at least four weeks prior to surgery is advisable to promote a better wound-healing process. The same goes for avoiding secondhand smoke.
Your Ideal Look, Now Within Reach
Achieve the face and body you’ve always wanted. Schedule your private consultation today.
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How Much Does a Facelift Really Cost?

When considering a facelift procedure, it’s not only the aesthetic and medical aspects you’ll want to contemplate. Financial planning is equally important. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect in terms of cost at our clinic.

Price Range

Our facelift procedures start at approximately n $20,000 to $25,000 . This investment covers not only the surgeon’s fee but also other integral components of the process.

What’s Included in the Cost

Your investment includes various elements that come together to provide a comprehensive surgical experience. These encompass:

  • Consultation fees
  • The type of facelift technique
  • Anesthesia charges
  • Operating room costs
  • Post-operative care and follow-ups

Payment Options

We aim to offer flexibility when it comes to payment. That’s why we provide a variety of payment methods including cash, credit cards, and financing options to make the procedure more accessible for you.

Consultation for Accurate Pricing

For a personalized treatment plan and a reliable cost estimate, scheduling a meeting with Dr. Darren M. Smith is highly recommended.

Discover Your Reinvigorated Self with a Facelift at Our Manhattan Clinic

Interested in turning back the clock and rejuvenating your appearance? At our state-of-the-art facility located in the historic Ritz Tower in Manhattan, Dr. Darren M. Smith is committed to providing personalized transformation.

Our team understands that a facelift is more than just an aesthetic procedure; it’s a milestone in your personal journey. From consultation to post-op, we take the time to understand your unique needs, ensuring that you emerge looking like the best version of yourself.

Whether you prefer the convenience of online booking or wish to speak directly with our attentive staff, taking the next step is effortless. Schedule your consultation online or give us a call at +1 (212) 633-0627 to find out how you can experience a new, reinvigorated you.


The Facelift before and after pictures represent actual patients from Dr. Smith. Individual results may vary. 

Facelift Services we offer