Breast Implant Revision NYC

Beauty Reimagined: Tailoring Your Look with Breast Implant Revision

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A woman is getting a tattoo on her stomach.

Breast Implant Revision is a common consideration for many individuals who’ve previously undergone augmentation or reconstruction. 

At our Manhattan clinic, Dr. Darren M. Smith, a board-certified plastic surgeon with fellowship training in advanced cosmetic breast surgery, performs each procedure  with the utmost precision and care.

If your current implants aren’t meeting your expectations or causing discomfort, Dr. Smith is dedicated to helping you achieve the look and feel you desire. Every procedure we perform reflects our commitment to patient satisfaction from consultation through surgery and aftercare.

Revision breast quiz
Do you have breast implants?
My implants…
Look like one or both deflated
Look like one or both changed shape or position
Look like one or both deflated
I want to keep my implants
I’m done with my implants
It be may necessary to replace one or both implants depending on implant age and condition. Please schedule an appointment to discuss your concern here
There are different approaches to implant removal. Please schedule an appointment to discuss your concern here
Look like one or both changed shape or position
I have an implant that is hard and/or painful
My implants are sagging
I have another concern about my implants
This could be a sign of capsular contracture, a condition in which the scar around your implant shrinks and may cause discomfort or a change in your breast’s shape. Please schedule an appointment to discuss your concern here
Over time, implants can stretch the surrounding breast tissue and skin leading to a suboptimal appearance. Please schedule an appointment to discuss your concern here
Please schedule an appointment to discuss your concern here
Did you have a…
Breast Lift
Breast Reduction
Other Breast Surgery
Please schedule an appointment to discuss your concern here
My breasts are ptotic (sagging) again
My breasts have lost volume
My breasts are still too large
My breasts are ptotic (sagging)
A breast lift may need to be repeated after some time. Please schedule an appointment to discuss your concern here
An implant or fat transfer may address this concern. Please schedule an appointment to discuss your concern here
A repeat reduction may be helpful. Please schedule an appointment to discuss your concern here
A breast lift may be helpful. Please schedule an appointment to discuss your concern here
Breast Implant Revision - Revision Quiz

What is Breast Implant Revision?

Breast implant revision refers to any operation that is performed to change the size, shape, type, or position of existing breast implants.  These procedures may be performed in the setting of cosmetic surgery (to enhance the appearance of the breasts) or reconstructive surgery (e.g. after mastectomy for breast cancer).  Patients often have revision breast surgery to replace older implants with newer ones, and in these procedures often end up switching from saline to more modern silicone gel.

Breast Implant Revision Surgery Reasons

Over the years, breast implants and the breast tissue itself might undergo changes in shape or size, leading to a look or feel different from the original result. One may decide to undergo breast implant revision for many different reasons. We will review some of the more common ones here.

Implant Failure: Breast implants are not intended to be lifelong devices. While they often last longer, we say 10 years is a reasonable expectation for the longevity of these products. When an implant ruptures, it needs to be replaced.

Changes in Breast Shape: Over time, aging and gravity tend to change the size and shape of the breasts and may affect the position or shape of the implant packet. Pregnancy and breastfeeding may have these effects as well. 

These cases can be complex as the two breasts may change differently over time, requiring that different procedures be performed on each side to ensure symmetry.

Lifestyle Changes: Someone who wanted larger implants earlier in life may decide to downsize later, or the opposite may be true. Whatever the reason, perhaps an increase or decrease in activity level, the implants that were the right size when they were placed may no longer fit your needs in the present.

New Technology: New implants are always being developed. We frequently see patients that would like to exchange their older saline implants for modern silicone implants that look and feel more natural.

Capsular Contracture: This is an uncommon complication of breast augmentation in which the scar, or capsule, around the implant begins to shrink. This can cause discomfort as well as changes in the shape and height of the breast implant.

While many breast implants come with a comprehensive warranty, it’s worth noting that these programs can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. It is important to understand your plan if you decide to undergo an implant revision, as it can significantly affect your degree of financial responsibility.

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Addressing Past Augmentation Concerns

In addition to addressing problems with breast implants that evolve over long periods of time, breast implant revision surgery can rectify issues stemming from an early problem with the original procedure.

Examples of such issues include early capsular contracture, where the scar tissue surrounding the implant tightens excessively, “double bubble” phenomena where the implant slips below the breast crease, and “bottoming out” when the implant settles too low on the chest. 

Symmastia is another unfortunate outcome in which the implants are placed too close together and the pockets merge across the center of the chest.How Soon Can You Get a Breast Revision After Breast Augmentation?

Typically, 6 to 12 months is the advised waiting period for a breast implant revision without capsular contracture. This allows the implants to settle into their final position and for your tissue to heal before assessing your results. 

Allowing this amount of time to pass also makes the revision surgery itself more straightforward. In cases of capsular contracture, we may operate sooner to relieve discomfort or address dramatic cosmetic problems.This allows for body healing and surgical assessment.

7 Indications You Might Need Breast Implant Revision Surgery

1. A Change of Heart with Implant Choices

With time, personal preferences change. You might find yourself desiring a different shape, size, or type of breast implant than what you originally chose. It’s perfectly natural, and revision surgery can address these evolving desires.

2. The Unfortunate Breast Implant Rupture

Although not immediately life-threatening, an implant rupture due to either physical trauma or the natural aging process of the implant material demands attention. It’s crucial to address this to prevent complications such as infections or excessive scar tissue formation.

3. Dealing with Implant Displacement

Sometimes, implants may shift significantly from their intended position. This displacement can arise from an overly expansive implant pocket or when excessive tissue is dissected free from the breastbone. Revision surgery can correct these placements.

4. Battling Capsular Contracture

The body might sometimes produce excessive scar tissue around the implant. This abnormal scar tissue can threaten the initial augmentation’s success, leading to discomfort and necessitating a revision surgery.

5. Addressing Other Complications

Various issues can arise post-augmentation, such as the “double bubble” effect, implants “bottoming out,” symmastia, or other forms of implant malposition. These complications require expert intervention.

6. Dissatisfaction with the Initial Outcome

Sometimes a breast augmentation just doesn’t look quite right. If the results of your initial breast augmentation didn’t meet your expectations for any reason, revision surgery stands as an option to address those concerns.

7. Implants Aging or Deflating

Breast implants, like all medical devices, have a lifespan. With time, changes in implant shape or the natural aging of overlying breast tissue might alter the initial look. To keep up with these changes, many opt for a revision around the 10-year benchmark (this timing varies significantly from person to person).

When tackling sensitive issues like this, it’s vital to consult with an expert, like board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Darren M. Smith, to chart the best course tailored to your specific needs and aspirations.

Who is a Good Candidate for Breast Implant Revision?

It’s essential to understand who this procedure is most suited for. Here are some general guidelines to determine if you might be a good candidate.

Dissatisfaction with AppearanceDissatisfied with the current size, shape, or look of your implants.
Concerns about Implant IntegrityWorries regarding the current condition or longevity of your implants.
Health and WeightYou are in good health and maintain a stable weight.
ExpectationsYou hold practical hopes for the outcome.
LifestyleIdeally, you should be a nonsmoker. If not you should be able to stay away from tobacco use for several weeks before and after the procedure.
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A Step-by-Step Guide to Breast Implant Revision with Dr. Darren M. Smith

Step 1. Initial Consultation

Your journey to breast revision surgery starts with a thorough consultation. Here, Dr. Darren M. Smith will discuss your objectives, address any concerns, and guide you through implant types—whether saline or silicone. Together, you’ll decide on the optimal size and shape based on your unique profile and desired outcome. We use advanced 3D imaging to help with these decisions.

Step 2. Anesthesia Administration

To ensure your utmost comfort, the procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia. This ensures you’re relaxed and pain-free throughout the surgery.

Step 3. Making the Incision

To minimize any additional scarring, the incision is generally made at the same spot as your prior breast surgery. The nature of the incision can differ, but commonly utilized methods include an incision in the fold under the breast (inframammary fold), at the lower portion of the areola (periareolar), or using an existing breast lift incision. Trans-axillary incisions (through the armpit) generally are not used for these procedures as they do not offer the same degree of control over the breast pocket.

Step 4. Removal and Replacement of Implant

The forthcoming steps depend on the reason for the revision:

  • Replacement: The old implant is removed and substituted with the new one.
  • Capsular Contracture: The hardened capsule and implant are removed, followed by the creation of a new implant pocket, and insertion of a new implant.
  • Implant Repositioning: The implant’s position may be adjusted as per the patient’s wishes.
  • Additional Procedures: Sometimes, a combined mastopexy (breast lift) and revision may require extra surgical maneuvers.

Step 5. Incision Closure

Dr. Smith will perform a precise closure to set you up for the least visible scarring possible. In some cases, dissolvable sutures will be used. In other cases, the stitches will be removed 10-14 days after surgery.

Step 6. Post-Surgery Recovery

After the procedure, expect a brief monitoring period before heading home. Following the guidelines of a board-certified plastic surgeon ensures a smoother recovery. The recovery duration depends on the procedure’s complexity. Simple implant replacements allow a return to work in about 2 days, while combined procedures might extend recovery to approximately 1 week for most patients.

Understanding Incisions in Breast Implant Revision Surgery

  1. Inframammary Incision This method involves an incision in the natural crease under the breast. It’s discreet, often chosen for its hidden position.
  2. Periareolar Incision For this technique, the incision is made either part way or all the way around the areola. It tends to blend well with the natural transition of the areola to the breast skin.
  3. Circumvertical Incision Also known as the “lollipop” incision, this is made around the areola and extends vertically down the front of the breast.
  4. Inverted-T Incision This technique may be used for procedures in which maximal manipulation of the breast shape is required. It involves adding an inframammary incision to a circum-vertical incision.

Existing Scars: Maximizing Aesthetics

The beauty of breast revision surgery is its ability to reuse your previous breast surgery scars, thereby preventing additional scarring. The intricacy of your procedure is tailored to the transformations you desire and any existing implant-related issues, whether aesthetic or reconstructive.

How Long Before Breast Implants Need To Be Replaced?

We generally say breast implants need to be replaced after 10 years. While this is a reasonable expectation, this number is very variable..There’s no universal time frame for replacement.

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

There is no exact number here. Many factors come into play including implant type, patient activity level, and more. While 10 years is the conventional wisdom, we have seen patients in their seventies that have had their implants since their thirties. Rarely, an implant may rupture early due to trauma or other issues.

Breast Implant Revision Recovery Timeline

The healing timeline may vary for each individual, but generally, it follows a pattern. Here’s a comprehensive table that outlines the expected stages of recovery post-surgery:

Recovery PhaseDescription
Immediate Post-SurgeryBandages or gauze might cover your incisions. A support bra or garment may be used. In certain cases, a drainage tube is temporarily placed under the skin to manage excess fluids.
First Few DaysDiscomfort, especially with larger implants or those under the pectoral muscle, is common. Breasts might feel tight, sensitive, warm, or itchy.
First WeekThe amount of discomfort will decrease each day.. Most patients can return to work during this period.
One to Two WeeksExternal sutures, if any, are typically removed. Tissue glue or tape falls off independently.
First MonthLimit strenuous activities for the initial weeks. Expect most swelling to subside by the end of this period.
Six to Eight WeeksBy this stage, most individuals have achieved a full recovery and can act as if they never had surgery.

Remember, while this table provides a general overview, each individual’s experience might differ. Always consult with Dr. Darren M. Smith for personalized advice and guidance.

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Potential Side Effects

Be mindful of potential side effects like discomfort, swelling, altered nipple or breast sensation, and, although rare, complications like infection or bleeding.

Tips for a Speedier Recovery

  • Follow the Plan: Stick to your surgeon’s post-operative instructions. This includes medication use, surgical site care, and activity level.
  • Prioritize Rest and Nutrition: Rest adequately, drink water, and ensure a balanced diet.
  • Limit Physical Exertion: Steer clear of activities that might aggravate swelling or cause bleeding.
  • Support Matters: If prescribed, wear a post-surgical bra consistently. Its soft fabric and absence of underwires aids tissue healing.
  • Gentle Movement: Engage in light activities like brief walks to minimize blood clot risks.
  • Digestive Health: Address potential post-surgery constipation with hydration, a fiber-rich diet, and regular walking.

Choose the Best: Breast Implant Revision Surgery with Dr. Darren M. Smith

When it comes to a procedure as nuanced as Breast Implant Revision Surgery, it’s vital to entrust your health and aesthetic goals to the best. Our team, led by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Darren M. Smith, is here to guide you through every step, ensuring your utmost safety and satisfaction.

Why Choose Us for Your Breast Revision Surgery?

  1. Expertise You Can Trust: As a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Smith brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in various cosmetic procedures, particularly in Breast Revision Procedures. Dr. Smith completed an advanced fellowship in aesthetic surgery.
  2. Custom Approach: Whether it’s adjusting implant size, addressing implant ruptures, or revising the results of a previous breast augmentation surgery, we tailor our surgical techniques to your unique needs and desires.
  3. State-of-the-Art Techniques: From fat transfer to breast lift surgery, we employ the latest techniques ensuring optimal results with minimal recovery time.
  4. Comprehensive Consultation: Your initial consultation with us is thorough. We understand your aesthetic goals and evaluate the state of your current implants, checking for common reasons like implant placement issues or double bubble deformity.
  5. Safety First: All our procedures, whether it’s a simple implant removal or more complex reconstructive surgery, are conducted in our private, state-of-the-art surgical center in the Ritz Tower ensuring your safety and well-being.
  6. Clear Recovery Guidelines: Post-surgery, we offer clear instructions to ensure a smooth recovery process. With 24/7 access to Dr. Smith and our team, we are at your side for your entire journey
  7. Addressing All Concerns: From in-depth conversation to advanced 3D imaging, we will understand every nuance of your individual case to design a bespoke approach that will exceed your expectations.

Ready to achieve your aesthetic goals? Dr. Darren M. Smith is redefining excellence in aesthetic breast surgery in NYC. Schedule your Breast Implant Revision Surgery consultation today. Let us help you achieve the results you’ve always desired.

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